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Emissions Component

Saturn SL2 failed EGR valve functional test. Why?

My smog check technician says my 1994 Saturn SL2 failed the functional portion of the smog test. He said it need not pass the EGR test. My VIR shows that the visual EGR passed. Wouldn't the functional EGR valve test pass as well? Instead the report shows N/A for EGR functional.


It appears there must be a misunderstanding here. If in fact your Saturn SL2 failed the EGR functional test this would mean your vehicle was administered a "basic" smog test performed at idle/2500 and where the smog technician manually tested your Saturn's EGR valve. In this tyoe of smog inspection, if in fact the smog technician did manually test the EGR valve and the EGR valve failed the smog check, your VIR report would have indicated a "FAIL" next to the EGR Functional Test section. The only time a VIR report will indicate a "N/A" next to the EGR functional test is when a vehicle receives an "Enhanced" smog check where the smog tech does not manually test the EGR valve; rather the smog machine through your Saturn's exhaust sample determines whether the EGR valve is working or not. So in this specific case, if in fact the your smog test's VIR shows N/A for EGR functional test we need to find out why your smog tech is assuming the EGR valve failed the smog inspection.

posted by SmogTips Support

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