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Vehicle Registration

Needing Smog Test Again For Title Transfer

I just bought the car from a private owner who had a smog checked it not to long again. Smog checks are good for 2 years normally. The exception is when sold. This is seemingly absurd. What is the rationale for requiring a new smog after such a short period. What possibly could change in 3 1/2 months that wouldn’t change in 2 years (if the original owner didn’t sell it.) Please don’t justify it as a state regulation. If you do, please let me know why this regulation is in place. Then advise me where to lodge a formal complaint. Side note: During my drive home from the DMV, I could think nothing more than that this is a racket. Thank you.


A smog certificate is valid for 90 days and can be used for the purpose of title transfer during this time frame. If the 90 days has lapsed, a new smog certificate is due. In our opinion the BAR wants to ensure no engine modifications are taking places between change of ownerships.

posted by SmogTips Support

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