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Vehicle Registration

Toyota Camry 1999 registered in San Diego

Our car registration shows as San Diego, CA but presently the car is being used in San Luis Obispo, CA. When we went to have it smogged in San Luis Obispo they said that San Diego has more stringent smog testing requirements so it needed to be done at a different smog check facility that had this kind of equipment. Does that sound correct?


The smog technician is correct; San Diego is an "enhanced" smog check area, and smog tests there require a slightly different smog inspection process (one that uses the dynamometer during the smog check) that San Luis Obispo smog stations do not have. Unfortunately you will need to drive your Toyota Camry to an enhanced county. You don't need to go back to San Diego, but you do need to drive at least to the nearest county which is an enhanced smog check area close to San Luis Obispo; in this case being first Ventura county and then Los Angeles county.

posted by SmogTips Support

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