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General Smog Check

2004 Jayco Motorhome Ford E450 Chassis Smog Test

I have a 2004 Jayco Greyhawk 24' motorhome on a Ford E450 chassis. The smog technician said it was smog exempt. The DMV says that it is not. I took the motorhome for a smog test so I could get the title transferred (it came from Nevada). The smog check guy said that it came up as exempt when he tried to run the smog check and that he would not be able to print a certificate for it.

When we went to DMV they said that it is not exempt and that the smog test guy has to do something special/extra to let the testing system know that it is a motorhome and not a commercial E450 Ford truck. What does he have to do to test it and be able to create a certificate? Thanks Much -- Pat


A 2004 Jayco motorhome is required to undergo an emissions test when obtaining California registration.

The smog technician needs to enter the vehicle's year, make, body type (smog tech needs to enter "motorhome"), model, number of cylinders, engine size, and for motorhomes specifically, the motorhome's engine make and engine year. This is where the differentiation is made between standard automobile and RV.

Furthermore... the inspection must be conducted on a BAR-97 smog machine (used for vehicle's which weight over 14,500 GVWR), as opposed to the new DAD machine, which can only smog check 2000 & newer model vehicles under 14,500 GVWR.

If the smog technician utilized the DAD machine to inspect your Jayco Greyhawk motor home, the system would not allow him/her to proceed with the inspection. We can not be certain that this is what happened however it is a possibility.

Your best alternative in this matter is to have another smog station attempt to smog check your RV. If that also fails, contact the California Smog Check Referee's Office at (800) 622-7733 for information on how to proceed.

posted by SmogTips Support

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