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Vehicle Registration

1993 Saturn will be out of state when smog check and registration renewal are due

My daughter will be using our car while at school in Illinois. We will be keeping the car registered in CA as the move is just temporary. The smog inspection will be due in February with the registration renewal...and I sure do not want to have to drive the car back to CA during the snowy midwestern winter months just for a smog check! How can I get a smog inspection done in Chicago for the registration renewal.. or can I get a waiver or something while she is in school?


Do not obtain a smog inspection in Chicago or any other state for that matter. It will not be valid in California. You don't need to bring your Saturn back here to complete your registration renewal if it's out of state when the smog check is due. Simply fill out and sign the DMV's "Statement of Facts" form explaining that your vehicle is out of state and the registration tags will be mailed to wherever the car is currently located. You can obtain a "Statement of Facts" form either online at or by calling the DMV at (800)777-0133.

posted by SmogTips Support

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